One late entry...

Woohoo!!! I finally got my new guitar effect processor... errm or rather amp modeller. After using my RP12 for almost 7 years, I guess it's about time to change a new unit to get a even better sound than what I'm using now. After work I rided down to City Music to take a look at the PODxt which I've been checking out. I've been checking out other effects like GT6 and GNX3 and even used my other guitarist's GNX2. So far, the sound don't really blows me off. GNX is good, but when I tried tweaking it in the rental studio, the sound just don't appeal me. It's good, but it just not up to my taste. When I was checking out the PODxt, I tried some of the patches and wasn't very convinced by the sound. In my opinion, it sounded "weak". Maybe the guitar used is not that good either. What really makes me decide to get it in the end is when I tried the "Master of Puppet" patch which emulates Metallica sound and WOW! it IS really close! And since I'm gonna get something which I'll be using for years to come and won't wanna settle for less, I might as well get the unit. Of course it is not a cheap unit so you guess it, it really burnt a bloody big hole in my pocket!!! But if the unit's worth it, why not?

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