Keke, while I'm enjoying my lunch nap in the office, I got a SMS message from Lemon, asking me if I'm feeling better today. Orrrh, that's so nice and sweet of her to show such concern for me.... oh wait, walau eh, I can't believe I'm saying this man *goosebumps*. Can't believe a hard-hearted person like me is saying that!!! Muahahaha...

Browsed the websites for guitar effects and is eyeing the Line6 PodXT effect processor but guess the price will be in the range of $700 and above.... Godamnit, I won't be looking at this if my RP12 is still working fine X(

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

This evening after my teaching lesson and I reached home, ready to check emails and do some chatting until I see this one particular mail from my band's vocalist. He indicated that he wanted to quit the band, citing that it's due to musical difference and lack of passion on his part. Below is an extract of the mail:

i was quite confuse when i went home dat day.Remember when we try to choose a new song to play, at Xgrind's hse? the band seems to enjoy most of the songs...but i was kind of...tinking to myself...Oh no, why i don't like most of them....from here, i know i'm the odd one out...I believe dats probably why u guys can play together for so many years..bcuz the band share almost the same direction...
I can understand, as musicians,its nice to play fast n technical helps u improve alot on skill n i know how important it is for a musician to choose the direction he wants to progress... I love to play guitar all my life too..but i don't play as good...but i really have a dream to play my own music..wif me singing n playing guitar...its also unfair to ask the band to fulfill my own dream n my own kind of music...i hope u guys can understand my point of view...its like asking the band to play romatic love songs for example...a few times its ok...for a few years??? ....the band should have its own charactor...for Xconxept, metal is the base...for me, old time chinese rock kind of music is already in my blood,so i can play english heavy metal for a while,but i can't do dat for long.... :(
I choose to leave now bcoz,i know in future,the same problem for me will surface again for sure...n i also would not want the band to spend too much time on me...its unfair for the band if we start to prepare for gigs or recording....
However, i'm really enjoying myself wif the band during the past few mths,n I can't find any fault in u guys as friends....even if i'm not playing wif the band,i hope u guys still regards me as your friend...frankly,i don't really care wats next for main concern is for the band to understand me...i let the band down,n i don't feel good as well...

It seems to me that he is experiencing the downs of his life and he's trying to get out of everything he is in right now. Fuck, I also never said that he dun sing well or things like that, KNN and now just giving me this kind of shit. Of course, I wrote a reply to him, listing down the reasons why he should stay and right now I really hope that he can respond to it positively. This mail had really affected my mood and I wonder if I have the mood to work... This is really fucked up beyond all recognition.
Today's a pretty normal day... not very exciting though. Not much mishaps in work today except one occasion when one of my colleague said something which kinda put me off. I was doing the database to ease another colleague's workload, then this one commented that this kind of work should be done outside official working hours. My reply to her is, "Shen Jin Bing! (crazy)". Fuck, work is work, after working hours is MY OWN fucking time, who's gonna pay me for doing this? She got time to hang around after work to do extra work but I dun have time for this shit man. So I ignore her and continue my stuff and finally finished it. Damn, I can be quite heck care huh....

After work, went to the workshop to change my bike wheel. It's been 2 years since I last changed it and it's better to change before the tyre loses its felt better to ride on the new tyre now... maybe it's just a psychological effect :p

Went back home, and prepare the MP3 for the next cover song and upload it up to our web server for them to download. Nothing much actually until I sent the mail out to them with a little spice of sarcasism... naughty me huh? But if that can spur them to do something about the current problem, guess it's worth it somehow

Power Shine

Wow, spent the whole day at Sentosa's Siloso Beach (well, almost the whole day :p), getting BBQed like a skewed chicken on a plot of salty sand... I, Lemon and Cal met up just before noon in order to get that most out of the sunshine. I had been wanting to go for the suntan for a while since I looked like a loser drug addict when I looked fair.
When we reached there, I was kinda put off by the crowd at the beach as there's a Family Day event going on.. ARRRGGGHHH!!! I hated crowds as I tot I can have some peaceful suntanning moments on the beach. Luckily, the event didn't lasted very long so after an hour or so, the event ended and the beach is back to its peaceful state. The weather is just wat I've wanted, clear sky with tons of sunbeams. The whole suntanning session was very fruitful (although not exciting... well how exciting can suntanning gonna be anyway???), at least everyone got wat they want..almost everybody since 2 of them got more than wat they bargain for muahaha!!!!
About late afternoon, Liquid came down with his female friend, Jenny. Though the sun is almost going into the setting phase, I guess that they did got some decent amount of tan they want, coz shortly after, the weather turned for the worse and soon, we got a heavy shower. Luckily we got into Liquid's car before it happened so we're spared from getting drenched. And since we're moving out of the island together, I tot that might as well forget about going to IKEA and head to Tiong Bahru Plaza which we've decided for dinner. Liquid suggested Thai Express which I felt that the food is decent but the service and price is not that appealing. Nevertheless, we did enjoyed the dinner but it's kinda quiet for I guess that most of us are pretty tired from the beach activity....After that, we go for a little shopping where I finally got myself the Limited Edition DVDs for LOTR:FOTR and can return my buddy's to him. Ok, that concludes the day.... oh wait.. it seems that I haven't used a single F word in today's blog... that's so un-Xgrind muahahaha.... maybe I felt too relaxed that I can't be bothered to use it kekeke....meanwhile back to my fucking work on Monday!!! Muahahaha!

Ah Crap.....

Fuck, today is not a pretty good day, although it's not that bad.... Why? Coz inthe day during the practise session with the band, my RP12 went noisy ONCE AGAIN!! ARRGGGHHH I was about to try the new patches I've made in the afternoon to see if the sound fits the Fender guitar... it was ok when I was the tweaking the patches at home and when I bring it to the studio... KNN! Bo bian, just can't continue playing with all that irritating noise in the processor (although our music is as irritating to some but trust me, this one's worse -_-)

All is well after that until when the rest of us went to my place to choose the next song to cover.... fuck we just take out CDs from my racks and keep on suggesting songs but no one just wanna fucking make a decision on wat song to cover. Fuck in the end, I just say, "since vocalist want this song and everyone say it's managable, then we'll just take this song huh? SET!" Sometimes I just kinda put off by some lack of enthusiasm shown in the band, making me thinking of doing my own solo project..... oh well this ain't the first time already -_-"

When I meet up with Rudy and his gf, I regreted toking too much as I've brought up a topic that I shouldn't have. In the end, I feel like I've badmouthed Lim even though that's isn't my intention. Fuck man, dunno wat's the fucking problem with me, why can't I just find a better topic to tok about??? Can see from hirari's expression that he dun seemed to be happy toking about it. Sometimes I really hate myself for that. Guess I should keep my fucking blabbering mouth shut so I won't say anything that I'll regret later. Think I should take some drastic measures from now on.....

Time to sleep now, think too much also won't help anything....

Tarot Reading

Can't believe I tried this shit.....Oh well, just post for sake of someone's request...

how you feel about yourself now (The Hermit)

You may be feeling lonely at this time or going through a period of introspection. If you are struggling to find answers to your questions give it time, they will come. This is a time for prudence and patience. If you have been unwell this is a time for rest and recuperation.

what you most want at this moment (The Hierophant)

The cards suggest Johnny, that what you most want at this time is to have someone around you that you can trust and confide in, knowing that they won’t let you down. There are moral issues here, knowing right from wrong, and you may feel that you need some advice or wise counsel from a teacher, priest, parent or someone you have a lot of respect for, in order to help you make the right decision.

your fears (The High Priestess)

You are feeling uneasy and insecure, something in your gut is saying ‘be careful, all is not as it seems’ - something just doesn’t feel right. If so, delay any decisions or actions until you have answered your concerns. If male this could signify a significant woman in your life being a bad influence.

what is going for you (Judgement)

Brand new potential, an opportunity which once given must not be ignored, a new project, decision or relationship that could affect the rest of your life. You will enjoy success and enjoyment for past efforts, events will pick up a pace and the outcome will be quicker than expected.

what is going against you (The Fool)

Beware of impetuous and impulsive decisions, they could cost you dear. Draw on your knowledge and experience, perhaps there are naive and immature beliefs behind your current desires. Are you looking to move onwards and upwards or run away? Look before you leap, you don’t want to appear the fool do you?

outcome (The Lovers)

Love is coming into your life even if you really can’t see where from at this time. If you are on your own a new lover will soon enter your life. If you are in an unhappy relationship you have a choice to make - go with your heart, take the risk, greater happiness is ahead of you.


Hmmm..... got new lup come into my life also no use coz my heart is no longer soft so Buey Zhun!!! Muahahaha
1. What is your Full Name? Read the Title of the blog and you'll know my name duhz...

2. What Color trousers are you wearing now? Anything in the shades of grey

3. What are you listening to now? My colleague toking on the phone

4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 75

5. What was the last thing you ate? Glutinuous Rice Cake

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? I rather be a human than a wax figure

7. How is the weather right now? How will I know when my office got no windows?!?!?!

8. Last person you talked to on the phone? Rudy

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? What you expect me to say? Tits? Figure? or the nose hair protruding out of their nose?!?!?!

10. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Are you saying that I liked myself since I copied from somewhere???

11. How are you feeling today? Sleepy as ever

12. Favorite Drink? Plain Water

13. Favorite Alcoholic drink? Volka

14. Favorite sports? Motorbiking (Is that a sport in the first place?)

15. Hair Color? Black

16. Eye Color? Need someone to tell me

17. Do you wear contacts? Yeah.. ok, I'm vain, so wat?

18. Siblings? 2 of them

19. Favorite Month? Every month's the same

20. Favorite food? Sushi

21. Last Movie you watched? Big Fish

22. Favorite day of the year? SUNDAY!!!

23. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Most of the time

24. Summer or Winter? Winter

25. Hugs or Kisses? Dunno

26. Chocolate or Vanilla? Neither

27. Do you want your friends to write back? It's up to them

28. Who is most likely to respond? respond? It's a blog for Christ's sake!!!!

29. Who is least likely to respond? Do I looked like I cared???

30. Living arrangements? Wat's that? :p

31. What books are you reading? My bloody courseware

32. What is on your mouse pad? Dirt from my mouse

33. Favorite online Game? DOD

34. What did you do last night? Is this a trick question or wat?

35. Favorite Smell? My shit :p

36. Can you! touch your nose with your tongue? You try first then ask me again, KNN

37. What inspires you? MUSIC!

38. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Salted

39. Favorite flower? Do I look gay to you?

40. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Fuck! I'm late again!!!
Ok, viewed lemon's blog and she put this on her site and since she's the fool, then I shall be the strength to either make her or break her muahahaha!!!!! ^.^V

I am Strength

Strength represents patience and compassion. Getting angry is easy when events turn sour, but dealing calmly with frustration takes great strength. So does accepting others and forgiving mistakes. We need strength to mold situations softly. The Chariot controls through mastery and authority. Card 8 is more subtle, even loving. Notice how the lion (itself a symbol of strength) is being guided and tamed by the woman's gentle hands.

For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit

What tarot card are you? Enter your birthdate.

Month: Day: Year:


Oh crap.... despite my most earnest efforts, I've made the late entrance to the office again!!!! ARRRGGGHHH~~~!!!! Took a cab and it still happened. With a half sleepy mind, I'm gonna racked my brain on the database I'm working on which if successful, could ease the workload of Kris, my other colleague. With my limited knowledge on that software, I'm keeping my fingers crossed (-_-'')

Late but.....

Yeah yeah yeah, I know it's fucking late to write a blog, especially when it's time to go and sleep rather than risking a late entry to office later in the morning but since it's already so late, who gives a rat's ass anyway? muahaha!(^o^)
This evening's class is completely a wasted trip... why? Coz out of the 6 lessons, I've only attended one and that's yesterday, for Christ's sake! Best of all, it's the second last lesson and when I go there, I don't even have a slight fucking idea of wat the trainer is toking about! Yeah, like my friend Rudy said, "Might as well stay at home play Call of Duty" Yeah rite, I wished... but at least I tried going to the class trying to understand but of course, it leaves me full of question marks..... And the best part is, the exam is a case study so..... fuck, I'm really screwed!!!!! Oh wait, nevermind.... there's still a TestKing to the rescue but I still need to spend some time working on the courseware or I'll be really fucked.
Reached home, the Autumn Tale song is still ringing in my head so heck, might as well learn the song and create a ringtone out of it... well completed everything in less than an hour but in my opinion, it sounded sub-standard... as I'm kinda spaced out, I tot I can leave it tomolo to fine tune it.
Just finished watch Hitler: The Rise of Evil DVD my brother bought (that's why I'm still up at this time!) and fuah, this miniseries just rulez man!!! Jews will be damn affected by watching this one (well, can't blame them as that prick killed about 6 million of them) but I guess that since this puny island contained only a small amount of Jews, there shouldn't be much fuzz going on....Ok, now IT'S TIME TO SLEEP... I dun wan to risk another late entrance again....Till then, shit goes on....

Woohoo! Got my bike back!

Yeah!!! Yesterday I got my bike back from the workshop, replacing my clutch plates, wheel bearings, front suspension fork and my exhaust gaskets. I reached the workshop at about 7 plus, hoping to get the bike on the spot and go, but knowing the working style of the mechanic, as expected he's still fixing the bike up. Ya, he's a bit slow in term of working speed but I like his attention to details and the way he fix the bike as if his own. That's why I only want him to fix the bike for me and no one else. Surprisingly, he told me that the clutch fibers are still good, although he got me the new ones and he suggested to use them back. So in the end he only replaced the metal plates. I was kinda delighted when the overall cost is within my expectations as he also gave me some discounts off the labour charges. I spent about 3 hours in the shop and actually it kinda screwed up my plans for the nite. I initially intend to go to the furniture shop and get a new wall-mount cupboard for my MCSA books and DVD collection (they're all over my room and creating a fucking mess outta it muahahaha). Oh well, there's always a next time, probably this coming weekend..... Oh gosh, the teaching job and MCSE class had really taken up more than half of my weekday evening free time where I can do my own stuffs like composing songs for the band and practising my axe. Luckily it's only for a short period or my axe grinding skills sure go rusty muahahaha, but on the other hand, at least those things keep my mind busy, free from thoughts about looking for the other half..... oh wait, why the fuck should I be still thinking about it when I have now a heart of stone??? Muahahaha!! Fucking contradicting man, but it's true......Life's full of fucking contradictions......Oh well, back to my work :p
Aha!!! This is my second blog site created (forget where the previous blog had located due to long term of inactivity.....oh well, heck) In future, all kinds of shitty events and perhaps some nice ones, will be posted here..... but huh, due to my vulgar nature, guess couple of strong words will be used here and there but oh well, do I looked like I give a fuck? ^.^