Ah Crap.....

Fuck, today is not a pretty good day, although it's not that bad.... Why? Coz inthe day during the practise session with the band, my RP12 went noisy ONCE AGAIN!! ARRGGGHHH I was about to try the new patches I've made in the afternoon to see if the sound fits the Fender guitar... it was ok when I was the tweaking the patches at home and when I bring it to the studio... KNN! Bo bian, just can't continue playing with all that irritating noise in the processor (although our music is as irritating to some but trust me, this one's worse -_-)

All is well after that until when the rest of us went to my place to choose the next song to cover.... fuck we just take out CDs from my racks and keep on suggesting songs but no one just wanna fucking make a decision on wat song to cover. Fuck in the end, I just say, "since vocalist want this song and everyone say it's managable, then we'll just take this song huh? SET!" Sometimes I just kinda put off by some lack of enthusiasm shown in the band, making me thinking of doing my own solo project..... oh well this ain't the first time already -_-"

When I meet up with Rudy and his gf, I regreted toking too much as I've brought up a topic that I shouldn't have. In the end, I feel like I've badmouthed Lim even though that's isn't my intention. Fuck man, dunno wat's the fucking problem with me, why can't I just find a better topic to tok about??? Can see from hirari's expression that he dun seemed to be happy toking about it. Sometimes I really hate myself for that. Guess I should keep my fucking blabbering mouth shut so I won't say anything that I'll regret later. Think I should take some drastic measures from now on.....

Time to sleep now, think too much also won't help anything....

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