1. What is your Full Name? Read the Title of the blog and you'll know my name duhz...

2. What Color trousers are you wearing now? Anything in the shades of grey

3. What are you listening to now? My colleague toking on the phone

4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 75

5. What was the last thing you ate? Glutinuous Rice Cake

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? I rather be a human than a wax figure

7. How is the weather right now? How will I know when my office got no windows?!?!?!

8. Last person you talked to on the phone? Rudy

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? What you expect me to say? Tits? Figure? or the nose hair protruding out of their nose?!?!?!

10. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Are you saying that I liked myself since I copied from somewhere???

11. How are you feeling today? Sleepy as ever

12. Favorite Drink? Plain Water

13. Favorite Alcoholic drink? Volka

14. Favorite sports? Motorbiking (Is that a sport in the first place?)

15. Hair Color? Black

16. Eye Color? Need someone to tell me

17. Do you wear contacts? Yeah.. ok, I'm vain, so wat?

18. Siblings? 2 of them

19. Favorite Month? Every month's the same

20. Favorite food? Sushi

21. Last Movie you watched? Big Fish

22. Favorite day of the year? SUNDAY!!!

23. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Most of the time

24. Summer or Winter? Winter

25. Hugs or Kisses? Dunno

26. Chocolate or Vanilla? Neither

27. Do you want your friends to write back? It's up to them

28. Who is most likely to respond? respond? It's a blog for Christ's sake!!!!

29. Who is least likely to respond? Do I looked like I cared???

30. Living arrangements? Wat's that? :p

31. What books are you reading? My bloody courseware

32. What is on your mouse pad? Dirt from my mouse

33. Favorite online Game? DOD

34. What did you do last night? Is this a trick question or wat?

35. Favorite Smell? My shit :p

36. Can you! touch your nose with your tongue? You try first then ask me again, KNN

37. What inspires you? MUSIC!

38. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Salted

39. Favorite flower? Do I look gay to you?

40. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Fuck! I'm late again!!!

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