One Helluva Trip

Today went to JB for bike washing. So straight after recording at Fang's place, I went home and pack to go to GP to meet that kotek. When we reached the destination, we found that the shop is closed, so we decided to move on to check if there's any other shop. Just down the road, we saw another car wash shop and we asked if they wash bikes as well. After some negotiation, they agreed to wash the bike. Boy, ain't they fast and efficient. They finished washing 3 bikes in an hour's time, 3 person to each bike. We were very satisfied with their quality of work. Cheeko, tried on Kotek's bike and that started some incident......

After the washing, we went to the nearby Ramli's Burger stall, and Jobel just blew up out of the sudden and shouted at Cheeko for being insensitive. Although she claimed that it's not the bike riding issue (but that started the whole thing, which I think is damn childish) and it's the little things that build up the fustration. Cheeko, being a person with a stoned look, just stand there and listen to Jobel's ranting. Being in a town where robberies are common, I proposed that we settle the matter at Esso GP.

On the way back, I and Cheeko exchanged bikes and I get to ride the new VFR for the first time. Wow, this bike really feels like a car, no vibrations and damn quiet. No doubt a good cruiser.

When we reached GP Petronas station, after filling up our tanks, we settled down in the cafe and talk things out. Cheeko is pretty pissed about the whole thing as he felt that she's kicking up a big fuss over such small matter (Women.....what do you expect *rolleyes*) and after a lengthy talk, I and Rudy managed to pacified her and when Rudy came back after sending Cheeko off, he revealed to us that he's on the verge of losing his job and that's why he can't be bothered by such matters. After hearing that, Jobel simmered down and after resting a while, we moved on back to Sinkapore.

It was 2am when we reached homeland and went to Rudy's place to collect his dad's DVD then we moved off to my place to have supper. By the time we're done, it's almost 4am, but we decided to go to Mustafa's anyway. Shiok, that was the first time I shop in a shopping mall in the middle of the night. I was preparing to get a digital camera as I more or less decided which model to get. But just before I get the camera, the staff told me that the display set is the last piece. After some thoughts, I think I'll wait for the new stock to arrive and get a new one. Well, maybe it's a sign to tell me not to buy the camera....

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