A new Digital Camera...

After work I and Weiming went to Comex to check out the Pocket PC that he's interested in. His new work requires it as the schedule is getting hectic and he don't want to have a thick organiser to bring around. We took a cab, and upon reaching there, the crowd there is unbelievable!
We walked around on the main hall to check out the digital cameras as I also looking for a camera as I have been looking for one for quite a while. Upon browsing at one of the booth, I met Jesmond, my army bunkmate. Boy, that was nice to see him again as I've lost contact with him for a couple of years. He was working as a promoter over there. I was actually looking for a 3 Megapixel camera but he recommended the 6 Megapixel which can take pictures up to 12 Megapixels. And looking at the price and the bundle that came with it, it was certainly a good steal. I didn't get it immediately so we headed for the PPC corner to check out the PDA.
Weiming checked out the HP Rx3700 and he was very tempted by it. It has a built-in 1 MP camera and the exterior design is sleek. I told him to look around for more options first. After going a round, he finally decided to get the PDA. Rudy came shortly. I told him about the camera deal and he was a bit skeptical. So I brought him to the booth and while I made the purchase, he was checking it out with his girlfriend. After getting the camera, he told me that he was tempted by the camera too and said that he will probably come back the next day to get the camera.
Finally I got myself a digital camera... time to snip snip snip away... muahahahhha

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