Today LF came to the office and visit us, knowing the seriousness of the situation in our office. A and E, 2 of the most senior staffs, is leaving the company, leaving only me and Kris with a bunch of newbies. Soon, we won't have "Fatimah" to fill our water bottles and let us disturb her. She felt reluctant to leave at first, saying that she wanted to stay coz of the guys here. I told her if she's staying for the wrong reason (the guys and not the work) then it's better that she take up the other job offer.

LF passed me the appointment letter for my permanent status conversion. After a year of working for the company, I am finally converted to permanent staff. However, knowing LF's style, I took a glimpse at the appointment letter.... What the fuck?!?!?! The "increment" that she mentioned is only a meagre 50 bucks?!?!?! Such sincerity... Feeling disappointed, I told her I wanna read thru the contract before signing it.

On the way home, I read thru the contract and as I expected, it's filled with loopholes. where's the clause for AWS? How much AWS am I supposed to get? there's other details that are missing and she expect me to sign this? Crazy! At this age, I should have the common sense how not to get makan by ppl. Nevertheless I'll be writing an "inspiring" email to her soon and at the same time, prospect hunting is on again.

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