Is it so hard to flush?

Now I'm talking about the male public toilet, whether it's in shopping malls or my company, I have a nagging question in my head...

"Is it so fucking hard to even lift your bloody hand for the flush button?"

Do these asses ever think that their bloody urine is not exactly fragrant and there are others who will come after them to use the exact urinal they have used previously? Worst still, some don't even bother to wash their hands! (I'm surprised that their hands had not rotten yet)

Or is it the selfish Singaporean mentality that "It's not mine so I don't care"?

I don't know.

But I strongly feel that if you have the strength to jerk your little willy off or caress your wife/girlfriend's titties, pressing the flush button should take less than 10% of that strength to accomplish the task.

So to those disgusting maggots out there, UP YOURS!

Now playing: Will You Remember Me
via FoxyTunes

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