A nice tip to soft reset Nokia 5800

Dunno if most of the 5800 users may have felt like I do, after leaving the phone for a long time the phone will start to appear sluggish. Somehow when I check the RAM status using Handy Taskman, I noticed a significant decline in available memory. I guess there is some memory leak in some part of the software.

After reading thru the Daily Mobile website (www.dailymobile.se) one of the forum members found this neat trick to recover the lost memory. You must have Handy Taskman installed on the phone. What you need to do is to invoke the dialler from the main screen, then press and hold Menu key for Taskman screen, and select the Telephone process. Now press Option and select Kill. Just confirm the action and in a while, the phone will restart and the lost RAM will be recovered. This trick of resetting the phone is faster than having to press the standby button and power up again.

Thanks to Daily Mobile members for this awesome trick!

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