The Road Trip of Xgrind and AngKuGuay: Day 14 - 15

The initial plan of staying in Krabi for another day was changed as Eddie had pointed out that the night market in Hat Yai is only open on weekends. So as not to miss it, we decided to head out for Hat Yai today instead of tomorrow.

Before heading out, we went down to Eddie's shop to collect our helmets (we left them there the previous day) as well as getting AKG's bike front tire replaced. His front tire threads had almost worn out by the time we came down from Mae Hon Son and Eddie had strongly advised him to change before we head home for safety sake. AKG heeded his advise and changed to a used Metzler M3 front tire so that we can move on with our journey.

Once the tire is changed, Eddie brought us to a restaurant where we had fantastic duck soup noodles and for the first time in donkey's year, I finally took duck meat as the meat is very tender haha. After a fantastic lunch and with Eddie showing us the directions to Hat Yai, we moved off.

Since Charlie is holding the directions, he led the way for most parts of the trip. We were on track for the first half of the road until we hit Trang. We seemed to have missed a turn in the intersection and went straight into the town. We spent about 20 minutes riding around the town trying to find our way out and back into the highway. By a stroke of luck, we finally got out from the other side of town and got back into Highway 4. From there onwards, the way there was pretty smooth sailing except for one thing: AKG had not had his coffee and me my tea. These drinks will give us the extra boost we need and we had been looking for PTT petrol kiosk with a coffee/tea cafe. However the kiosks along Highway 4 had been just.... petrol kiosks without any form of cafe for us to stop by. Ended up we only just pump and go all the way to Hat Yai. Luckily the distance is not very great or else my butt will definitely go numb beyond repair LOL. When we reached the town, we found a hotel near the Diana Shopping Centre which is not very far from the night market. The market is the reason why we chose to come to this town early, to check out for food and stuff being sold at the night market.

The Hat Yai night market is one of the biggest night market we have been in Thailand so far, in term of scale. They sold quite a lot of fashion stuffs mainly aimed at girls/ladies and sold most of the Thai food we have seen in other towns, nothing very spectacular/unique. After the night market roaming we decided to go back hotel to have a early night so that we can check out the shopping centres in the town.

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