Dynojet PCIII Review on Sotck FZ1 Setup

Thanks to Charlie/Avril, they gave me a $100 dynojet voucher which push my PC3 purchase schedule way way forward. So on the following week I proceed to get the PCIII and did a dyno tuning 2 days later. Note that my setup is FULLY stock (air filter, exhaust, unmodded airbox)

Prior to the tuning, I loaded the PCIII with the generic map downloaded from the Dynojet website. Well, better than running zero mapping right? Well, to be honest, loading the generic map don't really help in improving the rideability of the bike anyway as response seems more retarded and performance's kinda suffered slightly. From that, figured that dyno tuning is still the way to go.

During the tuning, the tuner commented that the fueling was way too rich (~14), so after the tuning, the picture below showed an improvement of average 3HP and 2Nm torque, with improve fuel efficiency. I was also shown that at 40% throttle, I can attain peak power at half the time compared to the stock mapping. Results of the tuning? Better and Smoother response (confirmed by Charlie as well) plus better mileage per litre :D

Note that my tuning is more for fuel efficiency and better rideability and not so much for max performance. Still there is still a significant performance gain.

To date, no apparent disadvantage had been observed.... yet (cross finger)

So even if you get a used PC3 with stock map, it is still advisable to go for a round of dyno tune to reap the full benefit of this wonderful gadget.

So the debate of PC3 being useless on stock setup is totally busted. I and Charlie are the living examples :D

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