Maybe I'm bored.....

Having to work on weekends is never a pleasure, so while I was taking a break from it I suddenly felt a bit adventurous and decided to try out something on my N97. So I popped into my favorite Symbian sites and do some reading up...

Some time back I read about the custom transition effects that is possible on S60 5th Edition OS from sites like Symbian Freak ( Of course the pre-requiste is to hack the phone to access the system folders in order to insert the effects files into them.

So after following the instructions available, I had managed to get it working like a charm! So far it's been quite stable and working nicely with the UI, and the eye candy is definitely worth it. Seen the sparkles on the wallpaper in the video? That is one of the available effects, of course there are others but I will like to just stick to this one, which works for me.

If you are tempted to do so, google for the methods cos I won't want to be blamed for screwing up others' phones. Do it at your risk and know what you are doing before you attempt it. One more thing: Hacking your phone will render your phone warranty useless.

Meantime, Enjoy :)

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