How much more...

Irresponsible can our local driver get?

Shortly after 3 weeks when my bike was knocked over, I came across another bike toppled over at my carpark tonight. The scene is almost similiar to mine. Where the bike is toppled over, with no one helped to lift the bike up. Several ppl passed by, but they just looked at the bike and walked off. So much for warm-hearted and helpful Singaporeans (sarcastic tone).
Seeing that no one helped to lift the bike up, i decided to do it myself. Luckily I am used to heavy bike (my bike), i'm able to lift the bike up without much effort. Left a note for him as well to let him know about the whole situation.

And lastly, may the asshole(s) who knocked my bike and the poor guy's bike get what they deserve soon.

Moblogged with Nokia N93

1 comment:

Da Bitch said...

You know what? Their cars deserved to be scratched, dented and have birds shitting on them all year round...